(untranslateble: entrückt = lost in reverie, rückhalt = backing, rückhaltlos = unreserved, haltlos = insecure)
music for violin, cello and piano

ca. 11 Min.
composed 1991, first performance 1998

→ Download score pdf 5975 kB
→ Download parts pdf 5659 kB
→ Video recording 1999 Oldenburg, → elole piano trio.


The piece thematizes vibrato, tremolo, trill, small glissando, intonation shift, shaded area and all nuances between noise and sound as an aesthetic basic material. Similar to the Aposiopesis, a tenor emerges as the tonal centre and various qualities of distance from it are set as independent formative aspects.
The repression of the different, its elimination and assimilation - which became so clear at the time of the composition in Hoyerswerda - as a component of one's own culture, makes it questionable to me. The piece searches for the still possible references to its own to sift through culture.


First performance:
1998 May 16th: Lautlinger Schloß Albstadt: → Trio Présence: → Ekkehard Windrich vl, → Graham Waterhouse cello and → Michael Wendeberg pno

Further performances:
1999 November 24th: Kulturzentrum Peter-Friedrich-Ludwig Oldenburg, Trio Présence
2001 February 4th: Cäcilienschule Oldenburg, Eckehard Windrich vl, Graham Waterhouse cello, → Thomas Hell pno.
2004 July 7th: Dresden, Albert Hall; → elole piano trio: → Uta-Maria Lempert vl, → Matthias Lorenz cello and → Stefan Eder pno


Nordwest-Zeitung of November 26th, 1999

Present in the fight against twilight
The Trio Présence in the oh ton concert
by → Christiane Maaß

(...) The insightfulness of the composer`s musical concept and the underlying thoughts about the repression and integration of the different in our culture convinced without reserve. The many and varied changes and vibrations of a central tone demanded a precision of its own from Trio Présence. (...)