
August 23rd, 2024, Dresden, GEH8, (Gehestraße 8) and
August 21st, 2024, → Youtube Livestream
→ Morning Laughter - music for cello (1997)
→ Matthias Lorenz

June 30th, 2024, Oldenburg, Kulturzentrum PFL
→ German Repetition FP - speech piece for nine speakers.
→ Werner Barho, → Kadja Grönke, → Lisann Ilge, → Jonas Roustai, → Christin Scheibe, → Sebastian Stöppler, → Peer Timm, → Jonathan Went and → Simon Christian Winter - Speaker.

April 9th, 2020: → Youtube Livestream
Program: Gilberto Agostinho: „Jamais Vu D“,
→ Re-Tort - music for cello (at 11:17),
Gilberto Agostinho: „and thereafter they shape us“ and
Petr Bakla: „Something with something else III“
→ Matthias Lorenz

March 9th, 2020, Oldenburg, Oldenburger Kunstverein and
March 7th, 2020, Frankfurt am Main, Ausstellungshalle and
March 5th, 2020, Dresden, Projekttheater
→ Aposiopesis - music for cello,
→ Morning Laughter - music for cello,
→ Flawed Hide-Out - five musical sketches for a cellist,
→ Re-Tort - music for cello.
→ Matthias Lorenz

December 15th, 2018, Frankfurt am Main, workshop Simon Enke and
November 26th, 2018, Oldenburg, Wilhelm 13 and
November 25th, 2018, Bremerhaven, Kunsthalle and
September 13th, 2018, Dresden, geh8
→ Morning Laughter - music for cello.
→ Matthias Lorenz

June 2nd, 2016, Dresden, Dt. Hygienemuseum and
May 20th, 2016, Dresden, Altrochwitz 10, elole.werkstatt
→ Closeness and Curvature - Rondo for piano trio.
→ elole piano trio.

May 17th, 2015, Jan Hus Presbyterian Church, New York
→ “When One Evening ...“ FP - music for tenor saxophone, string quartet and piano.
→ This Side Up string quartet.

October 16th, 2012, Berlin, BKA
→ Closeness and Curvature - Rondo for piano trio.
→ elole piano trio.

June 30th, 2012, Kreuzkirche Oldenburg
→ Summer Juggle FP - music for mixed choir.
→ vocalforum Oldenburg, → Manfred Klinkebiel, Dir.

April 26th, 2012, Oldenburg, Altes Gymnasium,
October 9th, 2011, Chemnitz, Neue Sächsische Galerie and
October 5th, 2011, Dresden-Hellerau
→ Closeness and Curvature FP - Rondo for the elole-piano trio for their tenth anniversary.
→ Seven Little Movements for violin, cello and piano.
→ elole piano trio

December 10th, 2010, Carl von Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg
→ A Chimera - music for speaker, soprano and seven instruments.
→ Marlene Achtermann - sp, → Ulrike Janßen - sopr, → Burkhard Wild - fl, → Andreas Lüken - tbn, → Eberhard Nehlsen - git, → Axel Fries - vibr, → Werner Barho - pno, → Ulla Levens - vl,
→ Ralf Santo - db, Friedemann Schmidt-Mechau - dir.

January 31st and February 7th, 2010, Exerzierhalle am Pferdemarkt Oldenburg
→ Do Not Turn FP - music for four ensemble groups.
→ Jan Bergström cor angl., → Stefanie Günther bar sax, → Jens Pfaff bsn, → Jana Mertens horn, → Matthias Brüggen tbn, → Regina Cunz db, → BlueScreen: Kjell Böttger (zither), Chaminda Cordes (wood, thunder metal sheet), Sandra Ewen (vl), → Jochen Fried (air balloon, tbn), Lisa Kastenholz (cello, thunder metal sheet, plates), Aaron Markos (gr. drum, jingles), Cord Ostmann (kalimba, panfl., snare), Arne Schröder (blast pipe, snare), Heike Vanselow (tin, thunder metal sheet), Tobias ter Veen (fanfare, gr. drum), Sarah Witt (guero), → Claudia Schmid-Heise vl, → Rolf Seeber vl, → Rüdiger Kuntz va, → Volkmar Stickan cello

September 20th, 2009 KlavierAtelier Casper, Oldenburg
→ Edges, Wreaths, Junk FP - small pieces for piano.
(19. Like A Silent Something In Socks, 20. So Vague In Its Similarity and 21. Stealing The Present Back)
→ Christiane Abt, piano

April 17th, 2009, Oldenburg, Carl von Ossietzky-Universität
→ Flawed Hide-Out - five musical sketches for a cellist.
→ Morning Laughter - music for cello.
→ Matthias Lorenz cello.

May 30th, 2008, Frankfurt am Main, Werkstatt Simon Enke,
May 29th, 2008, Dresden, blaue Fabrik and
May 25th, 2008, Oldenburg, theaterfabrik rosenstraße
→ Flawed Hide-Out FP - five musical sketches for a cellist.
→ Matthias Lorenz cello. October 16th, 2007, Berliner Kabarettanstalt
→ Edges, Wreaths, Junk FP - small pieces for piano.
(12. Because The Footprints Became Blurred, 13.Tthreading The Moments On To A Chain Like Precious Perls,
16. Where Fly Birds To Die?, 17. Like An Inexplicable Loss and 18. Loud Smile)
→ Frank Abbinanti, piano.

October 14th, 2007, Approximation-Festival Düsseldorf
→ Edges, Wreaths, Junk FP - small pieces for piano.
(16. Where Fly Birds To Die?, 17. Like An Inexplicable Loss and 18. Loud Smile)
→ Frank Abbinanti, Klavier.

June 26th, 2007, Conservatoire Versailles, Frankreich and
June 9th, 2007, Limoges, Frankreich
→ Rescued Roots of Memory - music for five ensemble groups, version N⍛ 1
→ Julyette Candela - rec. and → Julyen Bire - sax.

October 6th, 2006, Künstlerhaus Lauenburg Elbe
→ Game Crossing or “Who Has Shaken Off [or: Taken Down] the Roaring Stag“ FP
- music for oboe, clarinet and bassoon.
→ Trio Kassandra.

January 6th, 2006, musichochschule Köln
→ Rescued Roots of Memory - music for five ensemble groups, version N⍛ 1
→ Johanna Klein - rec. and → Katharina Stashik - sax.

July 2nd, 2005, Münster, Lamberti-Bühne,
July 1st, 2005, Münster, Dominikanerbühne and
June 22nd, 2005, Liebfrauenschule Oldenburg
→ Outline of a We FP - seven pieces for chorus and orchestra.
→ Choir and Orchestra of the Liebfrauenschule, Oldenburg, → Mathias Kroll, dir.

May 12th, 2005, Dresden, Kulturrathaus
→ Morning Laughter - music for cello.
→ Matthias Lorenz cello October 28th, 2004, Dresden, Leonhardi-Museum
→ Seven Little Movements for violin, cello and piano.
→ elole piano trio.

July 7th, 2004, Albert Hall, Dresden
→ entrückhaltlos - music for violin, cello and piano.
→ Seven Little Movements for violin, cello and piano.
→ Viewpoint(s) - music for cello and piano.
→ Round Corners FP - music for violin and cello.
→ elole piano trio.

January 20th, 2003, Zürich, Helferei
→ Seven Little Movements for violin, cello and piano.
→ elole piano trio.

October 20th, 2002, Martin-Luther-Kirche Edewecht-Süddorf and
October 11th, 2002, Klarinetten-Symposion Düsseldorf
→ Three Kinds Of - music for baroque clarinet.
→ Bernhard Kösling.

September 14th, 2002, Eisgarn, Österreich and
June 14th, 2002, Coswig
→ Seven Little Movements for violin, cello and piano.
→ elole piano trio.

April 21st, 2002, Landesmuseum Oldenburg, Schloß Oldenburg
→ Three Kinds Of - music for baroque clarinet FP.
→ Bernhard Kösling. April 19th, 2002, Odessa Festival,
October 20th, 2001, Groß-Gerungs, Österreich and
October 18th, 2001, Kulturrathaus, Dresden
→ Seven Little Movements FP for violin, cello and piano.
→ elole piano trio.

May 20th, 2001, Fabrik Rosenstraße, Oldenburg
→ Little Men FP incidental music, sound installation
→ Theater Wrede.

February 4th, 2001, Cäcilienschule Oldenburg
→ entrückhaltlos - music for violin, cello and piano.
→ Ekkehard Windrich vl, → Graham Waterhouse cello and → Thomas Hell pno.

May 16th, 2000, Frankfurt am Main, Werkstatt Enke and
May 12th, 2000, Wuppertal, musichochschule.
→ Morning Laughter - music for cello.
→ Matthias Lorenz cello.

April 14th, 2000, Odessa-Festival, Ukraine
→ Daydream Vault - music for piano.
→ Werner Barho.

March 12th, 2000, Frankfurt am Main, Denkbar
→ Morning Laughter - music for cello.
→ Matthias Lorenz cello.

March 5th, 2000, Fabrik Rosenstraße, Oldenburg
→ Tearing of the Shadow FP - incidental music for basset horn in F and sound installation
→ Theaters Wrede with → Bernhard Kösling, basset horn.

February 6th, 2000, Oldenburg, Stadtmuseum
→ Daydream Vault - music for piano.
→ Werner Barho. November 24th, 1999, Kulturzentrum Peter-Friedrich-Ludwig Oldenburg
→ entrückhaltlos - music for violin, cello and piano.
→ Trio Présence.

May 30th, 1999, Fabrik Rosenstraße, Oldenburg
→ Pompinien FP - incidental music for solo viola.
→ Theaters Wrede, with → Caroline Dieluweit, vla.

April 1st, 1999, Odessa-Festival
→ Reduction - music for two pianos.
→ Werner Barho and → Oleksandr Perepelytsya.

May 16th, 1998, Lautlinger Schloß Albstadt
→ entrückhaltlos FP - music for violin, cello and piano.
→ Trio Présence.

May 8th, 1998, Musikhochschule Rostock
→ Morning Laughter - music for cello.
→ Matthias Lorenz cello.

December 7th, 1997, Professorenhaus Lingen
→ Skin FP - music for eleven wooden window-sills.
→ Anthos percussion Ensemble of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Hannover → Jan-Hendrik Behnken, → Matthias Breitlow, → Thorsten Harnitz, → Ulrich Katzenberger, → Daniel Keding, → Norbert Krämer, → Thomas Laukel, → Almut Lustig, → Christoph Nünchert, → Anke Rienau and → Cymin Samawatie - percussion; → Andreas Boettger - rehearsal.

July 23th, 1997, Höchster Schloßplatz Frankfurt am Main
→ Morning Laughter FP - music for cello.
→ Matthias Lorenz cello. July 4th, 1996, Sendesaal des Hessischen Rundfunks, Frankfurt am Main and
June 25th, 1996, Wöhler-Schule Frankfurt am Main
→ temAmorph FP - music for alto flute, trombone, woman's voice, percussion and cello.
→ Barbara Weber - alto fl, → Norbert Hardegen - tbn, → Renate Wicke - voice, → Martin Sachs - perc, → Matthias Lorenz - cello

June 16th, 1996, Foyer des Theaters, Lingen/Ems,
June 14th 1996, Kunstverein Oldenburg and
June 9th, 1996, Ledenhof Osnabrück
→ Aposiopesis - music for cello.
→ Matthias Lorenz cello.

June 8th, 1996, Im Gießhaus Kassel, Concert of the ERTA-Kongresses
→ From this World‘s Black Earth Concert cycle of 17 pieces for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba, and harpsichord and 16 poems about exile.
→ camerata moderna with → Eckhart Kuper - harps.

May 22nd, 1996, Tonhalle Düsseldorf
→ Rescued Roots of Memory - music for five ensemble groups, version N⍛ 7.
→ notabu-Ensemble.

May 10th, 1996 Forum Neue music, Wuppertal and
May 7th, 1996, Bergische musicschule Wuppertal
→ The Never - music for percussion.
→ Tobias Liebezeit.

January 27th, 1996, Sprengelmuseum Hannover
→ Rescued Roots of Memory - music for five ensemble groups, version N⍛ 11.
→ oh ton ensemble. December 1st, 1995, Glockenhaus Lüneburg
→ Rescued Roots of Memory - music for five ensemble groups, version N⍛ 29.
→ oh ton ensemble.

November 30th, 1995, Kulturzentrum Peter-Friedrich-Ludwig Oldenburg
→ Rescued Roots of Memory - music for five ensemble groups, version N⍛ 13.
→ oh ton ensemble.

November 29th, 1995, Tonhalle Düsseldorf and
November 27th, 1995, cuba Münster;
→ The Never - music for percussion.
→ Tobias Liebezeit.

November 21st, 1995, Berliner Kabarettanstalt
→ Rescued Roots of Memory - music for five ensemble groups, version N⍛ 7.
→ oh ton ensemble.

November 20th, 1995, Broadcasting Deutschlandfunk Köln
→ Rescued Roots of Memory - music for five ensemble groups, version N⍛ 8 and version N⍛ 23.
→ oh ton ensemble.

November 19th, 1995, Lambertikirche Oldenburg
→ Turn into the Open FP - music for orchestra.
→ Orchestra of the Liebfrauenschule, Oldenburg, → Mathias Kroll - Dir. and Rehearsal.

November 15th, 1995, Kreishaus Hildesheim; oh ton ensemble
→ Rescued Roots of Memory - music for five ensemble groups, version N⍛ 25.
→ oh ton ensemble.

November 12th, 1995, Altes Gymnasium Oldenburg
→ Rescued Roots of Memory FP - music for five ensemble groups, version N⍛ 8 and N⍛ 23.
→ oh ton ensemble. October 30th, 1995, Kulturetage Oldenburg, oh ton workshop
→ Rescued Roots of Memory Vorpremiere - music for five ensemble groups, version N⍛ 7.
→ oh ton ensemble.

September 1995, Dresden
→ Daydream Vault - music for piano.
→ Ulrich Meckies

August 16th, 1995, Erdödy-Schlößchen Wien
→ Aposiopesis - music for cello.
→ Matthias Lorenz cello.

February 18th, 1995, Glockenhaus Lüneburg,
February 13th, 1995, Rathausfestsaal Emden,
February 12th, 1995, Schloß Osnabrück and February 10th, 1995, Kreishaus Hildesheim
→ Difference and Meeting - music for tenor saxophone and percussion.
→ Christoph Hansen, ten sax and → Axel Fries, perc.

January 20th - February 26th, 1995 , Tanz-Theater im Hof, Hannover (16 performances each)
→ Tricking from Dreams - music for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba and harpsichord
→ Carved into the Heart - music for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba and harpsichord
→ camerata moderna.
→ Open Eyelid from the Depths - music for viola da gamba.
→ Simone Eckert - viola da gamba.
→ On an Inner Road - music for harpsichord.
→ Karl-Ernst Went - harps.
→ The Salt Of The Rose - music for chitarrone.
→ Ulrich Wedemeier - chitarrone.
→ Spring Crush - music for viola da gamba and harps.
→ Simone Eckert - viola da gamba and → Karl-Ernst Went - harps.

January 13th, 1995, exam of the Saxophonisten Christoph Hansen, Hochschule für Musik und Theaters Hannover
→ Difference and Meeting - music for tenor saxophone and percussion.
→ Christoph Hansen, ten sax and → Axel Fries, perc. December 4th, 1994, Kulturzentrum Peter-Friedrich-Ludwig Oldenburg
→ Aposiopesis - music for cello.
→ Klaus Marx - cello.

November 23th, 1994, Eisfabrik Hannover, workshop and concert,
November 21st, 1994, Städtisches Museum Braunschweig, workshop and concert and
November 20th, 1994,Altes Gymnasium Oldenburg
→ Difference and Meeting FP - music for tenor saxophone and percussion.
→ Christoph Hansen, ten sax and → Axel Fries, perc.

September 12th, 1994, Professorenhaus Lingen/Ems,
June 10th, 1994, Kulturzentrum Peter-Friedrich-Ludwig Oldenburg and
June 5th, 1994, Konservatorium Osnabrück
→ Daydream Vault FP - music for piano.
→ Werner Barho

June 1994, Nürnberg and
May 31st, 1994, Sprengel-Museum Hannover
→ On an Inner Road - music for harpsichord.
→ Karl-Ernst Went - Cemb.
→ The Salt Of The Rose - music for chitarrone.
→ Ulrich Wedemeier -cchitarrone.
→ Lack of You - music for 2 recorders and viola da gamba.
→ Ulrike Volkhardt - rec., → Ulrike Meier - rec. and → Simone Eckert - viola da gamba.
→ Spring Crush - music for viola da gamba and harps.
→ Simone Eckert - viola da gamba and → Karl-Ernst Went - harps.
→ Carved into the Heart - music for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba and harpsichord
→ camerata moderna.
→ Roots of Stone - music für 2 recorders and chitarrone.
→ Ulrike Volkhardt - recorder, → Ulrike Meier - recorder and → Ulrich Wedemeier - chitarrone. November 20th, 1993, Schloß Oldenburg
→ Extrophie - music for four sopranos.
→ belcanto-Ensemble.

November 12th, 1993, Stadthalle Cloppenburg
→ In the Great Between, Overnight FP - music in ten variations for mixed chorus, percussion, violin, cello, and piano.
→ Harvestehuder Kammerchor, → Yangi Kim - vl, → Dorothee Palm - cello, → Klaus Müller - pno, → Stephan Krause - perc and → Claus Bantzer - dir.

November 9th, 1993, Ummo-Emmius-Gymnasium Leer (not public) and
November 5th, 1993, Altes Gymnasium Oldenburg (not public)
→ Daydream Vault - music for piano.
→ Werner Barho

October 27th, 1993, broadcasting at Radio Bremen, 2. Programm
→ Am On The Verge, Concentric - music for percussion, string quartet and orchestra.
→ Robyn Schulkowsky - perc, → Bayer Philharmoniker, → GMD Rainer Koch - dir.
→ On an Inner Road - music for harpsichord.
→ Karl-Ernst Went - Cemb.
→ The Perhaps - music for percussion.
→ Robyn Schulkowsky.
→ The Salt Of The Rose - music for chitarrone.
→ Ulrich Wedemeier - chitarrone.
→ Spring Crush - music for viola da gamba and harps.
→ Simone Eckert - viola da gamba and → Karl-Ernst Went - harps.
→ Carved into the Heart - music for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba and harpsichord
→ Distraught Toward One Another
- music for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba and harpsichord
→ camerata moderna.
→ wo gegen wart, 15. Januar - music for violin and trombone.
→ Ulrich Bösking - vl and → Jan-Peter Sonntag - tbn.

September 22nd, 1993, Evang. Kreuzkirche, Wiesbaden
→ Extrophie FP - music for four sopranos.
→ belcanto-Ensemble. July 5th, 1993, broadcasting Radio Bremen 2 and
December 2nd, 1992, Cäcilienschule Oldenburg
→ wo gegen wart, 15. January - music for violin and trombone.
→ Ulrich Bösking - vl and → Jan-Peter Sonntag - tbn.

November 29th, 1992, Kunsthalle Bremerhaven and
November 20th, 1992, Kulturzentrum Peter-Friedrich-Ludwig Oldenburg
→ From this World‘s Black Earth Concert cycle of 17 pieces
for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba, and harpsichord and 16 poems about exile.
→ camerata moderna

October 2nd, 1992, St. Michaelskirche Waldkirch/Brsg,
October 3th, 1992, Kaufhaussaal Freiburg,
October 4th, 1992, St. Marthakirche Nürnberg and
October 10th, 1992, Eisfabrik Foro Artistico Hannover
→ Open Eyelid from the Depths - music for viola da gamba.
→ Simone Eckert - viola da gamba.
→ The Salt Of The Rose - music for chitarrone.
→ Ulrich Wedemeier - chitarrone.
→ Spring Crush - music for viola da gamba and harps.
→ Simone Eckert - viola da gamba and → Karl-Ernst Went - harps.
→ Roots of Stone - music für 2 recorders and chitarrone.
→ Ulrike Volkhardt - recorder, → Ulrike Meier - recorder and → Ulrich Wedemeier - chitarrone.
→ Tricking from Dreams - music for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba and harpsichord.
→ Distraught Toward One Another
- music for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba and harpsichord
→ camerata moderna.

September 20th, 1992 Erholungshaus Leverkusen
→ The Never, das Vorher and das Vielleicht FP - music for percussion.
→ Robyn Schulkowsky. May 9th, 1992 CD production of the camerata moderna „Palimpsest“ R & M Digital Music, Nürnberg, 2-1023
→ The Salt Of The Rose - music for chitarrone.
→ Ulrich Wedemeier - chitarrone.
→ Spring Crush - music for viola da gamba and harps.
→ Simone Eckert - viola da gamba and → Karl-Ernst Went - harps.
→ Distraught Toward One Another
- music for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba and harpsichord
→ camerata moderna.

May 4th, 1992, Stadtmuseum Oldenburg
→ Open Eyelid from the Depths FP - music for viola da gamba.
→ Simone Eckert - viola da gamba.
→ The Salt Of The Rose FP - music for chitarrone.
→ Ulrich Wedemeier - chitarrone.
→ Spring Crush FP - music for viola da gamba and harps.
→ Simone Eckert - viola da gamba and → Karl-Ernst Went - harps.
→ Roots of Stone FP - music für 2 recorders and chitarrone.
→ Ulrike Volkhardt - recorder, → Ulrike Meier - recorder and → Ulrich Wedemeier - chitarrone.
→ Tricking from Dreams FP - music for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba and harpsichord
→ Distraught Toward One Another FP
- music for 2 recorders, chitarrone, viola da gamba and harpsichord
→ camerata moderna.

8. March 1992, Neues Theater Emden, workshop and concert
→ Reduction - music for two pianos.
→ Werner Barho and → Ulrich Meckies

February 16th, 17th and 18th, 1992, Staatstheater Oldenburg
→ Am On The Verge, Concentric - music for percussion, string quartet and orchestra.
→ Axel Fries - percussion, → Oldenburgisches Staatsorchester, → Georg Schmöhe - dir.

February 14th, 1992, Musikschule Meppen, workshop and concert
→ Reduction - music for two pianos.
→ Werner Barho and → Ulrich Meckies November 14th and 15th, 1991, Erholungshaus Leverkusen
→ Am On The Verge, Concentric FP - music for percussion, string quartet and orchestra.
→ Robyn Schulkowsky - percussion, → Bayer Philharmoniker, → GMD Rainer Koch - dir.

October 6th, 1991, Schloß Münster and
June 25th, 1991, Carl von Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg
→ wo gegen wart, 15. Januar FP - music for violin and trombone.
→ Ulrich Bösking - vl and → Jan-Peter Sonntag - tbn.

June 7th, 1991, Schloß Oldenburg and
June 4th, 1991, Universität Vechta
→ Reduction FP - music for two pianos.
→ Werner Barho and → Ulrich Meckies

November 30th, 1990, Carl von Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg
→ A Chimera FP - music for speaker, soprano and seven instruments.
→ oh ton ensemble → Gunther Nickel - Sp, → Ulrike Janßen - sopr, → Burkhard Wild - fl, → Jan-Peter Sonntag - tbn, → Eberhard Nehlsen - git, → Axel Fries - vibr, → Eckart Beinke - pno, → Barbara Martyna-Lauerwald - vl, → Ralf Santo - db, Friedemann Schmidt-Mechau - dir.

November 20th, 1990, Hengelbräu Oldenburg
→ Aposiopesis FP - music for cello.
→ Wilfried Hesse cello.

April 22th, 1989, Kulturzentrum Schlachthof, Bremen
→ In January FP - music for four-part mixed chorus.
→ Ulrike Janßen - sopr., → Karen Jürgens - alto, → Christian Gerds - ten, → Helge Rowold - bass and Friedemann Schmidt-Mechau - dir.