The voice can be sung by a soprano or a bassist. The string orchestra is placed around the auditorium. It is continuously divided into five voices, 2 violins, violas, cellos and double basses. A conductor is necessary, and will be placed in front of the auditorium together with the singer.
Das Horchende, das feingespannte Segel.
Der Blick geweitet, der sich leert.
Der Chor der mitternächt'gen Vögel,
durchs Schweigen schwimmend, ungehört.
An mir ist nichts, ich gleich dem Himmel,
ich bin, wie die Natur ist: arm.
So bin ich frei: wie jene Stimmen
der Mitternacht, des Vogelschwarms.
Du Himmel, weißestes der Hemden,
du Mond, entseelt, ich sehe dich.
Und Leere, deine Welt, die fremde
empfang ich, nehme ich.
(The listening, the finely-tensioned sail.
The gaze widening, the emptying.
The choir of midnight birds,
swimming through silence, unheard.
There's nothing about me, I'm like heaven,
I am what nature is: poor.
I am free, like those voices
of midnight, of the flock of birds.
Good heavens, white of shirts,
you moon, lifeless, I see you.
And emptiness, your world, the foreign
I receive, I take.)
by Ossip Mandelstam