music for alto flute, trombone, woman's voice, percussion and cello dedicated to → Matthias Lorenz ca. 11 Min. composed and first performance 1996 Perc.: big dr., big cymb., little cymbal, conga, 7 claves, crotales → Download pdf 5610 kB → Recording 1996 Frankfurt am Main, → Barbara Weber - alto fl, → Norbert Hardegen - tbn, → Renate Wicke - voice, → Martin Sachs - perc, Matthias Lorenz - cello. Introduction
The piece is a work that was created parallel to a response project at two Frankfurt schools together with Matthias Lorenz, in which we worked on the piece “temA” by Helmut Lachenmann. It is a possible execution of our final assignment for the two classes. PerformancesFirst performance: 1996, June 25th: Wöhler-Schule Frankfurt am Main; → Barbara Weber - alto fl, → Norbert Hardegen - tbn, → Renate Wicke - voice, → Martin Sachs - perc and Matthias Lorenz - cello Further Performances: 1996, July 4th: Hessischer Rundfunk, Frankfurt am Main; Ensemble s.a. Live recording: 1996, July 4th: s.a. Hessischer Rundfunk |